Paint Your Blessings Workshop

Paint Your Blessings in 3 Paintings in this Live 3 Hr Workshop

Connect to Your Heart of Gratitude through Painting

Live Zoom Workshop on Saturday December 9, 2020 at 1 pm EST.

The Sign-Up Deadline is: November 30, 2020 at Midnight EST.

Paint Your Blessings is an experiential workshop designed to provide space and focus for you to gain clarity on and paint your blessings.

The goal is to experience a deeper connection to what you have to be thankful for.  Gratitude is a muscle and this workshop is designed to help you strengthen that muscle, which we can all exercise, regardless of the season we are going through.  This muscle comes in especially handy in times of challenges, or when there is a gap between what we expect and reality.   Each person's Paint Your Blessings experience is unique to them.

The focus of the Paint Your Blessings Workshop is to uncover, focus on and paint your blessings.  Whether we want more out of life, whether to enjoy it more, or lost sight of what we do have to be grateful for because of situations in our lives or in the world around us, we can use painting our blessings to adjust our perspective, and in turn our lives in this season we are in right now.  In this workshop, we spend time considering what are blessings are, and what to paint that represents those blessing(s).   During this 3 hour workshop, participants paint a warm-up exercise followed by 3 paintings.

Paint Your Blessings Background

The Paint Your Blessings workshop was developed out of Anna’s gratitude practice in the hardest seasons of her life which helped her to weather better on-going situations and better enjoy her life even in tough, busy or changing times.

Who is this workshop for?

This workshop is for individuals interested in focusing on gratitude.  This workshop is an opportunity for you to set aside whatever situations or seasons you are in and hone in on for what you can truly be grateful.

Each person's Paint Your Blessings Art Workshop is their own, unique to them.

For general workshop information, go here.

To register for this workshop, go here.


50% Complete

Two Step

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