Paint the Christmas Story

Today I am writing about my latest workshop, called Paint the Story: Christmas Edition. This workshop, Paint the Story: Christmas Edition, is the workshop I always wanted to take.  I wanted a way to connect with the Christmas Story at the beginning of the Christmas Season, so I could connect with God through His sending Jesus as a baby, focus on the meaning behind it, and reason for the season, and frankly, enjoy it.  
I hope you find this workshop as meaningful and helpful in aligning your Christmas Season with what matters most - Jesus' Birth, and your loved ones and serving others - in a way that supports you, so you can connect with those that matter to you most this Christmas Season.
The focus of the Paint the Story Workshop is to connect to the Christmas Story through painting.  In this workshop, we spend time thinking about the foretelling of Christ's birth and His birth story, and paint the story through the lens of what His coming to earth as a baby means to us.  During this 3 hour workshop, participants can paint a warm-up painting exercise followed by 3 paintings.
Paint the Story Background
The Paint the Story Workshop was developed by Anna Elliott, as a response to feeling frustrated that she was trying to do all the things to make a great Christmas for everyone, but feeling like she was missing out on it herself until the Christmas Eve service when she would connect with the story, with Jesus as God with Us, and then feel like the season was over so soon.   She knew there had to be a better way, one where Christ's birth and what it meant to her, was at the forefront of her mind all season long, and the Paint the Story: Christmas Edition Workshop was born.  
What is Paint the Story?
 Paint the Story is an experiential workshop designed to help you connect with the Christmas Story, the story of Christ's birth, the season celebrating Christ's birth, that God is with you.
What do I mean by the Christmas Story?
I mean the story that was foretold in the Old Testament of God coming to earth, and then centuries later, it actually happening.  You know, the one with His mother Mary marrying Joseph, traveling to Bethlehem, the Wise Men in the East coming to worship Him and King Herod being jealous and wanting him dead.
And yet, He came.  He came anyway.  And 2,000+ years later, we have a few weeks dedicated to celebrating it, with many family and cultural traditions added on, and either the initial story gets forgotten, or we get distracted. 
The goal of the workshop is to experience a deeper connection with God and the Christmas Season through connecting with the Christmas Story.  
It is also designed to help you put in perspective the Christmas Season, and to put in the forefront the story of Christ's birth, God with Us, as you go through the Christmas Season.  It is designed to help you enjoy the season as you focus on the reason for the season.  
Each person's Paint the Story: Christmas Edition experience is unique to them.
Who is this workshop for?
This workshop is for individuals interested in having a deeper connection with the Christmas Story, God with Us, and His perspective on sending His Son, Jesus, as a baby.  This workshop is an opportunity for you to explore the Christmas Season at the beginning of the Christmas Season, so you can appreciate the Christmas Story all season long.  This is also the opportunity to document what part of the Christmas Story impacts you the most, and also what it means to you specifically.  
What if I am not an artist or a painter?
No artistic talent is required for this workshop.  This workshop focuses on the meaning behind the painting. 
See you at the Paint the Story: Christmas Edition Workshop, Nov 30, 2018!
May you have a wonderful, connected Christmas Season,
Originally Published Nov 20, 2018

50% Complete

Two Step

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