3 Women in Heels - Story Behind the Painting

3 Women in Heels 👠 by Anna Jane Elliott for the Heels 4 Hope Event, An Event benefiting the Downtown Hope Center's Women's Shelter.
For one, this painting is a recent development. In fact, this painting didn’t exist a couple weeks ago. I painted it with the Event in mind, the Downtown Hope Center and specifically, their Women’s Shelter, in mind.
I was looking for a graphic for the event in the envisioned style of the Executive Director and what what the Deputy Director thought the Executive Director was wanting.
I thought a painting that captured both the idea of the event in a specific style and colors could help solidify the meaning behind the event. I could also provide a limited license to use the painting on event flyers.
So I decided to paint one (because if something doesn’t exist, I create it).
When I was painting it, she originally started with one set of heels but soon realized that the painting, the Event and the Shelter was really about a small group of women standing on behalf of other women that needed them.
It reflected the women supporting the shelter, and what they do for the guests of the shelter, hence the three women in heels.
In the painting these women are confidently walking towards the edge of something, maybe a rainy street physically, but metaphorically, walking towards something new that God is doing in expanding what is currently there.
I hope you can see this intent in the painting. The full painting (cropped in this pic) was donated to the Downtown Hope Center and live auctioned off at the Heels 4 Hope Event and benefitted the women's shelter for equivalent to 3 nights stay at their max capacity.  It will be on display at the Heels 4 Hope Event, and will be live auctioned off at the Event to benefit the Women’s Shelter.
I am hopeful this painting will impact: those that see it, thinking about the story & meaning behind it, & those who love the black, grey & white with accents of red color palette in a Parisian style in a way that impacts people on the inside, compelling people to get involved in whatever way they are drawn to.
Originally Published May 7, 2019

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