3 Women in Heels - Story Behind the Painting

3 Women in Heels by Anna Jane Elliott for the Heels 4 Hope Event, An Event benefiting the Downtown Hope Center's Women's Shelter.
For one, this painting is a recent development. In fact, this painting didn’t exist a couple weeks ago. I painted it with the Event in mind, the Downtown Hope Center and specifically, their Women’s Shelter, in mind.
I was looking for a graphic for the event in the envisioned style of the Executive Director and what what the Deputy Director thought the Executive Director was wanting.
I thought a painting that captured both the idea of the event in a specific style and colors could help solidify the meaning behind the event. I could also provide a limited license to use the painting on event flyers.
So I decided to paint one (because if something doesn’t exist, I create it).
When I was painting it, she originally started with one set of heels but soon realized that the painting, the Event...
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Cool Abstract Landscape - Story Behind the Painting

Story time once again. This painting started much like post-its or any other invention gone wrong... but highly beneficial... I had bought professional paint, and different variations of it, in colors I appreciated, and was experimenting with the full body version. Which pulled, and was not giving me the result I wanted, and I was frustrated and felt let down. It seemed like everything was going wrong... and I questioned whether it was a good idea to even start using professional grade paint, thinking I am not ready for this... and then I took a step back.
"Sometimes it takes taking a step back from the situation we are right smack in the middle of, to see the larger picture." -Anna Elliott
So I did, I took a step back. And took a break, walking across the room, and then as I looked up and back at the painting, I could see it - what it was, a more abstract version of landscape than I had done before. So what did I learn? To not knock trying new things. To...
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Seraphim over Sunset Waters - Story Behind the Painting

When I set out to paint that night...

Things had been really stressful

It had been a little while since I had painted

I painted it in the days leading up to the first anniversary of my mom's death, which I was dreading.. anyone relate?!?

I put a movie on, probably for sound, and started painting.  I wasn't really watching the movie but kiddo and son were at my in-laws and I didn't want the pressure of figuring out what to paint, and wasn't sure if I would be more into painting or the movie, so I had both options available.

I had no preconceived idea of what the painting was to be, I was painting over a previous version of a painting that to me was not what I wanted it to be, and so I just picked a color and started painting.  Because this painting is horizontal, I decided to paint horizontal as well, long brush strokes across the painting, going with instinct for what needed to be there.. switching colors, switching brush technique, switching brushes,...

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Coral In Bloom - Story Behind the Painting

Over 10 years ago, I had the picture in my mind of a flower in water as a result of a trip I had taken where I spent a lot of time by myself, traveling and thinking about things.  
God must have known I think in pictures, because He gave me a picture in my mind of a flower in water… 
I asked Him what it was about and He said that I am a flower.. when I am in His living water, I bloom, thriving and living as I was created to be.  
When I am not in His living water, I wither.  
I am designed to be connected to Him.  
And in that state, I am at my best, regardless of circumstances, regardless of anything or anyone else.  
As I thought about what He told me and how I needed that reminder / course correction, I thought it was represented in a lily on a lily pad in a river.  
So I decided to create a physical representation of it in the form of a glass mosaic....
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