My Story

my story Aug 07, 2020
My story with art began as a young child, mixing custom colors and painting paintings on an easel on the back deck. Like most children, I didn't label myself as an artist, I just thought that was what everybody did, and that at some point, you "grow out of it"...
As a grew up, schooling shifted focus from creating things for classes, to creating things outside of class, to creating things in my free time.... a "normal" progression, I thought.
I must have recognized that I enjoyed creating and design, because I enrolled in an Architecture Program... and a year and a half into it, it seemed like the harder I tried, the worse I did, or so I thought based on my interpretation of the professor's feedback... so I quit.
I took classes towards a Spanish minor. And took one interior design class, and that day, they professor was talking about what engineers did, and that sounded good (safe), so I switched to engineering.
I went on a received my degrees and...
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