One word from God can change the trajectory of your life... one word from Him can reset your perspective on a situation, on a series of situations, on a relationship, on your work or career or calling, on who you are, or what you were made to do. It can make what was impossible, seem possible, and what was unbearable, now bearable. I should know, it has happened with me through painting.
And when we process our year through painting, we have the opportunity to acknowledge what happened, victories and lessons learned, and to celebrate them both, because while we are made in His image, we are also still human, and expecting perfection is taking on a burden we are not meant to carry.
Through painting at my Paint Your Year Workshop, you have a chance to hear from Him, and gain His perspective on what happened, what is ongoing, and what it means. Because while He is outside of time, we are not, and what happens in the past, can affect the decisions we make...