The Reason Behind the Worship Art Workshop

art workshops worship art Aug 07, 2020

The reason the Workshop Art Workshop was created...

The Worship Art Workshop was born not from thinking I needed more worship time in my life, it was born out of the upheaval of many areas of my life and feeling overwhelmed if I thought about all the things that were not going well in my life, not feeling like what I was doing to keep my world spinning in its axis was sustainable, and wondering how we were all going to fair when it crashed.
I didn’t know... what I was supposed to do, what I was good at, or even what I enjoyed.
And I asked God what I was to do next because I had NO IDEA... and didn’t know what to even start with. So I asked him and He told me I needed a morning routine. So I got back into the habit of reading my Bible and started writing morning pages each morning.
A month later, during a conversation with my mom, I told her I didn’t know what to do next, I didn’t know what I was good at, or even what I enjoyed. And...
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