The Reason Behind the Worship Art Workshop

art workshops worship art Aug 07, 2020

The reason the Workshop Art Workshop was created...

The Worship Art Workshop was born not from thinking I needed more worship time in my life, it was born out of the upheaval of many areas of my life and feeling overwhelmed if I thought about all the things that were not going well in my life, not feeling like what I was doing to keep my world spinning in its axis was sustainable, and wondering how we were all going to fair when it crashed.
I didn’t know... what I was supposed to do, what I was good at, or even what I enjoyed.
And I asked God what I was to do next because I had NO IDEA... and didn’t know what to even start with. So I asked him and He told me I needed a morning routine. So I got back into the habit of reading my Bible and started writing morning pages each morning.
A month later, during a conversation with my mom, I told her I didn’t know what to do next, I didn’t know what I was good at, or even what I enjoyed. And...
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Paint the Story Workshop

So painting the story might not directly be in the Bible, but there is a Biblical Basis for creating a physical representation of how God has been involved in your life through remembering and telling these stories to yourself and others.

You might be wondering why, besides my journey, why anyone else wold want to paint their stories in a way that recognizes God's involvement?

Let's look at the Book of Joshua, Chapters 3 & 4. Just for a little context, at this point, Joshua is leading the Israelites as they follow God on their journey to inhabit the promised land. Moses had died, and Joshua is now their leader.

They are about to cross the Jordan River and the water is in the flood stage... God had told them to cross the river, but if they just looked at the river, they might get wrapped up in the situation of trying to cross a flooded river... all while carrying the Ark of the Covenant.

As soon as the Israelites take action, and their feet touch the water, the Jordan...

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Seraphim over Sunset Waters - Story Behind the Painting

When I set out to paint that night...

Things had been really stressful

It had been a little while since I had painted

I painted it in the days leading up to the first anniversary of my mom's death, which I was dreading.. anyone relate?!?

I put a movie on, probably for sound, and started painting.  I wasn't really watching the movie but kiddo and son were at my in-laws and I didn't want the pressure of figuring out what to paint, and wasn't sure if I would be more into painting or the movie, so I had both options available.

I had no preconceived idea of what the painting was to be, I was painting over a previous version of a painting that to me was not what I wanted it to be, and so I just picked a color and started painting.  Because this painting is horizontal, I decided to paint horizontal as well, long brush strokes across the painting, going with instinct for what needed to be there.. switching colors, switching brush technique, switching brushes,...

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Coral In Bloom - Story Behind the Painting

Over 10 years ago, I had the picture in my mind of a flower in water as a result of a trip I had taken where I spent a lot of time by myself, traveling and thinking about things.  
God must have known I think in pictures, because He gave me a picture in my mind of a flower in water… 
I asked Him what it was about and He said that I am a flower.. when I am in His living water, I bloom, thriving and living as I was created to be.  
When I am not in His living water, I wither.  
I am designed to be connected to Him.  
And in that state, I am at my best, regardless of circumstances, regardless of anything or anyone else.  
As I thought about what He told me and how I needed that reminder / course correction, I thought it was represented in a lily on a lily pad in a river.  
So I decided to create a physical representation of it in the form of a glass mosaic....
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My Story

my story Aug 07, 2020
My story with art began as a young child, mixing custom colors and painting paintings on an easel on the back deck. Like most children, I didn't label myself as an artist, I just thought that was what everybody did, and that at some point, you "grow out of it"...
As a grew up, schooling shifted focus from creating things for classes, to creating things outside of class, to creating things in my free time.... a "normal" progression, I thought.
I must have recognized that I enjoyed creating and design, because I enrolled in an Architecture Program... and a year and a half into it, it seemed like the harder I tried, the worse I did, or so I thought based on my interpretation of the professor's feedback... so I quit.
I took classes towards a Spanish minor. And took one interior design class, and that day, they professor was talking about what engineers did, and that sounded good (safe), so I switched to engineering.
I went on a received my degrees and...
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The Art of the Start

just start Aug 07, 2020
What is it about starting a blog that is so intimidating?
Is it the idea of putting oneself out there, for others to critique one's writing?
And what about the posts, do I make them in prose, in long written form, paragraph after paragraph, or one sentence?
I could probably sit here and analyze those decisions and spend the 5 seconds I have to do it before talking myself out of it a la Mel Robbins' Ted Talk, or I could just begin...
'Cause everybody starts somewhere...
The thing is, I know I want to share the stories behind the paintings I paint, what God has been teaching me along this journey, and other aspects of spirituality, art and many other topics impacted by my relationship with God or creating.
So the idea of a blog has been brewing in my head for quite some time. Not only to notify you on updates to the workshop calendar of events, but also introduce you to new workshops as I create and test them! As well as...
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